We were entertained by our talented members!
Welcome to Young Farmers
Chairman is a little star
Last night was the county AGM. At the end of the night all the county competition awards are presented to the clubs that won them over the last 12 months. Abberley retained the "Junior Public Speaking Trophy" for the 2nd year running. There are also a few awards presented that are not announced until the night of the AGM. Your chairman Ben was presented with the "Rising Star" award for 2012! The award is presented to "a Club Member or Club Officer who has made outstanding efforts to provide full support to their own Club and other YFC members, while developing their own abilities". He was presented with a very stylish glass trophy and a certificate which says the following,
Ben is always there! He is a cheerful, willing young man who is very involved with his club. He gets involved in a range of activities at club level and has been willing to step up to leading them as their chairman. In a range of YFC activities Ben goes that extra mile:even on the county sponsored walk, where he was the youngest member to complete and had raised an impressive amount in sponsorship. He has been extremely helpful and supportive at so many of the County events this year. You truly are a leading light in the County and we wish you luck in your future years within YFC.
So well done Ben, you have earnt it! I am sure you will all agree that he is making a great job of being our Chairman this year , as well as the County Junior Chairman too.